Silent QUEEN

There is nothing but the journey

How to make a mask that fits

Home-made cloth masks are not medical masks, but covering our face when leaving the house is a voluntary public health measure that can slow down the spread of Covid-19.

The reasons why we want to make masks

So you now are interested in face-masks.  When did that happen? Last year? Two months ago? Last week?

19 tactics to use your cloth bags at the checkout and remain sane

Plastic bags are not biodegradable.  They float down waterways. They fly off rubbish bins, garbage trucks and landfills.  When they degrade through exposure to light, ultra-violet rays turn the plastic brittle.  They then break down into small, toxic particles that continue to pollute soil, air and water.

5 simple videos to make something out of an old bath towel

That bath towel, you know the one…  The one with the frayed edge, the one that has seen too many loads of black denims and turned grey, the one that feels more like sandpaper on your skin than a soft wipe after your shower, the out-of-shape rectangle no one wants to take to the beach? That one.

 What I make:

Simple things …

... to lighten our footprint

Cloth bags and simple items to help us change our ways

... to create memories

Ephemeral scents, seasonal crafts, small gifts that create memories

... to explore

Wherever the thread takes me

How I see things:

I am Kate.  French native, creative, introvert.  I am on a journey to leading a life that is less wasteful. More ethical.